Focus Area

Quantum Resistance

For any business handling sensitive data or long-lifecycle products, embracing quantum security today is critical to safeguarding your future. With our expertise in quantum cryptography and quantum security, we provide comprehensive assessments of quantum-related cybersecurity risks and offer robust solutions to create quantum resistant products and ecosystems.


What is a Quantum Resistance?

Quantum resistance, a critical concept in modern cybersecurity, encompasses security protocols and algorithms capable of withstanding quantum computer attacks. As traditional encryption becomes more vulnerable with advancing quantum computing, adopting quantum-resistant technologies is key to protecting IoT devices and ecosystems, ensuring data safety, and protecting digital assets against emerging threats.

Quantum resistance illustration


Quantum Security Portfolio

Our mission is to help you distinguish fact from hype, comprehend the technology, understand associated risks, and confidently transition to a future that is quantum-secure. Our extensive expertise ranges from discovering cryptographic vulnerabilities, assessing and developing secure hardware, to quantum cryptography and the implementation of quantum-resistant standards that align with the highest industry demands.

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Quantum Education & Training

Equip your team with the knowledge to navigate the quantum security landscape with confidence. Our programs cater to a diverse audience, from academic institutions to businesses and across all levels, from executives and tech leaders to engineers.
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Secure IP for the Quantum Age

Offering a broad assortment of secure hardware IP integrations, our solutions utilize the most recent cryptographic recommendations from bodies such as NIST/BSI. Combined with our system's inherent crypto-agility, we provide an optimal solution that not only offers resilience against standard attacks but also enables updates to cryptography to comply with emerging algorithms and evolving standards.
Quantum computing icon

Quantum Security Assessment

In our collaborative approach, we  identify potential security vulnerabilities in your system and conduct a comprehensive inventory of all cryptographic elements, Leveraging the latest technological advancements, we provide an in-depth quantum threat assessment and strategic recommendations for risk mitigation, aiming to strengthen your defenses in the rapidly evolving quantum landscape.
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Quantum Hardware Evaluation

Our Kudelski IoT Labs, along with our esteemed partners, are ready to assist you in evaluating the security robustness of a product. This includes an assessment of side-channel attack resilience, quality of randomness, adherence to FIPS standards, and more. Leverage our top-tier hardware analysis capabilities to ensure your product's quantum security readiness.
Icon of quantum neutrons

Quantum-Secure Architecture Design

Are you at the helm of designing a solution from the ground up? Leverage our expertise to seamlessly integrate quantum security at the earliest stages. This is especially critical for long lifecycle products, services, and for enterprises seeking long-term compliance.
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Quantum Migration Advisory and Deployment

Partner with us to devise, execute, and oversee a custom-made strategy for a seamless transition to quantum security. As a technology-agnostic entity, we select the most appropriate countermeasures aligning with your business needs. Our objective is to facilitate an effective quantum security migration tailored to your unique requirements.
Kudelski IoT Security Logo

CYBERSecurity Partner

Our sister organization, Kudelski Security, is a leading cybersecurity company with one major goal: to disrupt the cybersecurity status quo. We partner with our clients to enhance their cyber confidence, threat immunity and data-protection through our comprehensive consulting, technology engagements, managed security services, and ability to innovate to create new capabilities.
Quantum Mini White Paper

White Paper

Quantum-secure cryptographic algorithm implementations in embedded systems

The complexity of securely implementing these new algorithms in the face of side-channel and fault attacks demands close attention. Moreover, securing post-quantum algorithms against known and existing attacks while maintaining performance at the required functional level is challenging.

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Quantum Fact Sheet

Fact Sheet

Quantum Resistance

With our expertise in quantum cryptography and quantum security, we provide comprehensive assessments of quantum-related cybersecurity risks and offer robust solutions to create quantum resistant products and ecosystems.

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Quantum Computing White Paper

White Paper

4 Steps to Defending Your Products Against Quantum Computing

Quantum computing has the potential to break current encryption and authentication methods based on classical asymmetric cryptography, which could pose a serious threat to data security and privacy for a wide variety of companies.

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Are You Ready For The Quantum Leap?

As we navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of quantum computing, we understand that you may have numerous questions about its implications on cybersecurity. Whether you're new to the field or seeking advanced understanding, our FAQs are designed to demystify the complex world of quantum security.

What is quantum security and why is it important?

Quantum computing security, often referred to as post-quantum cryptography or quantum-safe cryptography, refers to cryptographic systems that are believed to be secure against both classical and quantum computing attacks.

Quantum computers, when they reach sufficient maturity, could potentially break many of the cryptographic systems currently in use, as they can solve certain mathematical problems much faster than classical computers. This includes the factoring of large numbers, which forms the basis of RSA encryption, a widely used method for securing online transactions, email communications, and many other applications.

As such, quantum computing security involves developing new cryptographic systems that can withstand potential attacks from both classical and quantum computers. This includes encryption algorithms, key exchange protocols, and digital signature algorithms that are resistant to quantum attacks. These cryptographic methods are designed to protect sensitive information even in the advent of powerful quantum computers.

How does quantum computing impact cybersecurity?

Post-quantum cryptography refers to cryptographic systems that are designed to be secure against quantum computers' potential attacks. As we know, traditional public-key cryptographic systems rely on the computational difficulty of certain mathematical problems such as factoring large numbers or computing discrete logarithms of random elliptic curve points. However, with the rise of quantum computers, these problems can be solved more efficiently, thereby threatening the security of these cryptographic systems.

Post-quantum cryptographic algorithms, on the other hand, are based on mathematical problems that are believed to be resistant to quantum computational attacks. These include lattice-based cryptography, code-based cryptography, multivariate polynomial cryptography, hash-based cryptography, and more. These methods are being actively researched and standardized to ensure robust security in the upcoming quantum computing era.

In the context of quantum security, it's crucial for businesses, organizations, and individuals to stay informed about the advancements in post-quantum cryptography to prepare their systems for a secure transition into the quantum computing age.

What is post-quantum cryptography and how does it work?

The concept of quantum key distribution (QKD) revolves around the use of quantum mechanics to secure a communication channel. It allows two parties to generate a shared random secret key known only to them, which can then be used to encrypt and decrypt messages.

One of the key aspects of QKD is that it relies on the principles of quantum mechanics to detect and thwart any eavesdropping attempts. Specifically, it leverages the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, which states that one cannot measure the exact state of a quantum system without disturbing it. This means, if an eavesdropper tries to intercept the quantum keys during transmission, their presence will cause detectable disturbances, alerting the communicating parties.

Quantum key distribution provides an extremely secure method of key exchange and is considered to be virtually unbreakable given our current understanding of physics. With the rise of quantum computing, QKD is gaining increased attention as a necessary advancement for secure communications in the quantum age.

What are the best practices for transitioning to quantum-safe security?

Quantum-resistant algorithms, also known as post-quantum or quantum-safe algorithms, are cryptographic methods that are believed to be secure against quantum computer attacks. Quantum computers, once fully operational, have the potential to break many currently used encryption algorithms. Quantum-resistant algorithms are being developed to ensure continued data security in the advent of powerful quantum computing.

These algorithms do not rely on the mathematical problems that quantum computers are good at solving, such as factoring large numbers or finding discrete logarithms, which underpin RSA and ECC encryption methods respectively. Instead, quantum-resistant algorithms are built on different mathematical problems that are currently considered hard for both classical and quantum computers.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the United States is in the process of standardizing a set of quantum-resistant algorithms. It's crucial to keep up to date with developments in quantum-resistant cryptography, as the security of your data could depend on it in the quantum age. Understanding and applying quantum-resistant algorithms can help future-proof your cybersecurity measures.

How to protect your data from quantum computer attacks?

The timeline for quantum computers becoming powerful enough to break current encryption methods is still uncertain. The general consensus in the industry is that we're likely to see quantum computers capable of breaking RSA and ECC encryption within the next 10 to 30 years. However, it's important to understand that predictions vary and depend on both technological advances and investment in quantum computing research.

Preparing for this eventuality now is crucial, especially for organizations with long data protection requirements, or those who manage infrastructure with long replacement cycles. This is why it's important to begin integrating quantum-resistant algorithms into your security systems. Transitioning to a quantum-secure future isn't just about the encryption methods we use; it also involves updating protocols, systems, and even the hardware used to store and transmit data.

Keep in mind that quantum computing is a fast-evolving field. Staying informed about the latest developments in quantum computing and quantum-resistant algorithms is the best way to ensure your data remains secure in the future.

What are the leading quantum-resistant algorithms?

Quantum key distribution (QKD) is an innovative method of sharing cryptographic keys between two parties that leverages the principles of quantum mechanics. Essentially, it's a way to transmit information so that it cannot be intercepted without detection. When someone tries to eavesdrop on the key exchange, their actions cause changes that are noticeable to the legitimate parties involved. This means the security of the key distribution is ensured by the laws of physics.

QKD has great potential in creating secure communication networks that are impervious to any kind of computational attack, including those from quantum computers. However, it's important to note that QKD systems are still in the developmental stage and there are practical challenges that need to be overcome before they can be widely adopted. These challenges include the need for direct line-of-sight or dedicated fibre optic cables between sender and receiver, and the current limitation on the distance over which keys can be exchanged.

Organizations need to closely follow the advancements in QKD and other quantum-safe technologies, and develop strategies for incorporating these into their security infrastructure when they become commercially viable. It's also important to remember that QKD is just one aspect of a quantum-safe security solution and it needs to be complemented by other strategies, such as the implementation of quantum-resistant algorithms.

What are the differences between classical cryptography and quantum cryptography?

The threat posed by quantum computers to traditional encryption methods is a real and immediate concern for cybersecurity professionals. Quantum computers can potentially decipher encryption algorithms that would take traditional computers millions of years to crack. This includes RSA and ECC, two of the most widely used encryption methods today.

Quantum-resistant algorithms, also known as post-quantum or quantum-safe algorithms, are cryptographic methods that are believed to be secure against both classical and quantum computer attacks. The development and standardization of quantum-resistant algorithms is an active area of research. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the United States, for example, is currently in the process of evaluating several proposed quantum-resistant algorithms with the aim of standardizing one or more of them in the coming years.

The migration to quantum-resistant algorithms is not a simple process. It involves not just replacing the encryption algorithms in use, but also rethinking the entire security architecture and potentially replacing or upgrading hardware and software systems. In addition, organizations will need to ensure that the new algorithms they adopt are compatible with their existing systems and that they meet regulatory and compliance requirements.

As quantum computing advances, the need for a quantum-safe security strategy becomes more pressing. Organizations should start planning for this transition now by understanding their exposure to quantum threats, identifying quantum-safe security solutions, and developing a roadmap for their implementation.

What is the current state of quantum computer development?

The field of quantum computing is in a stage of rapid development and exploration. While there have been significant breakthroughs, practical, widespread use of quantum computers still lies in the future. However, the potential impact of quantum computing on fields like cryptography, material science, and complex problem solving is immense, making it a highly watched area of technology.

What are the challenges in implementing post-quantum cryptography?

Implementing post-quantum cryptography, which aims to secure data against both classical and quantum computing attacks, presents several challenges:

  1. Algorithm Selection: There's ongoing research to identify "quantum-resistant" cryptographic algorithms, but no consensus yet on which are best. NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) is in the process of evaluating proposed post-quantum cryptographic algorithms.
  2. Performance: Post-quantum algorithms often require more computational resources (like processing power, memory, and bandwidth) than current classical cryptography algorithms. This can slow down systems or require hardware upgrades.
  3. Integration and Compatibility: New cryptographic algorithms must be integrated into existing systems without breaking them, which can be complex, especially for systems not designed with cryptography agility in mind.
  4. Key Size: Post-quantum cryptography algorithms generally require larger key sizes than classical algorithms, which can pose challenges for storage, transmission, and processing.
  5. Crypto-agility: Systems need to be designed to update cryptographic algorithms as the landscape evolves, without disrupting services.
  6. Security Proofs: Many quantum-resistant algorithms are relatively new and have not stood the test of time in the way that classical cryptographic algorithms have. They need rigorous security proofs and testing.
  7. Standardization: Standards for post-quantum cryptography are still under development. Organizations need to track these developments and be ready to adopt the standards once they are established.
  8. Education and Awareness: There's a general lack of awareness and understanding about quantum threats and post-quantum cryptography, which can make it hard to get buy-in for necessary changes.
  9. Timing: It's challenging to plan the transition to post-quantum cryptography. Start too early, and you may need to redo the work as standards evolve. Start too late, and you risk being unprepared when quantum computers become a practical reality.

How to secure your business in the quantum computing era?

Securing your business in the era of quantum computing involves multiple steps and strategies, mainly because quantum computers, when they become fully operational, have the potential to break the cryptographic systems currently in place. Here are some steps you can take to prepare your business:

  1. Understand Quantum Computing: The first step is to educate yourself and your team about what quantum computing is, and how it may impact your business and industry. Understand the potential threats and opportunities quantum computing may bring.
  2. Investigate Your Cryptographic Exposure: Identify the cryptographic systems your business relies on, and understand how a quantum computer might affect these systems. This may involve a comprehensive audit of your cryptographic assets and the data they protect.
  3. Implement Crypto-Agility: Crypto-agility is the ability to switch out cryptographic algorithms for others quickly and seamlessly. It's crucial to prepare your systems for this agility so that you can adapt when post-quantum cryptography standards are approved.
  4. Follow Post-Quantum Cryptography Developments: Keep an eye on the progress in post-quantum cryptography, especially the standardization process led by bodies such as NIST. They're in the process of reviewing algorithms to find those that are resistant to quantum attacks.
  5. Consider Quantum-Resistant Algorithms: Start testing and gradually implementing quantum-resistant algorithms in your systems. Though standards are not yet finalized, some algorithms are promising and considered safe against quantum threats.
  6. Prepare for Larger Key Sizes: Quantum-resistant algorithms often require larger key sizes, which can have implications for system performance and design. Start considering how you'll handle these larger keys.
  7. Educate Your Team: Ensure your IT and security teams are knowledgeable about quantum threats and the steps they should take to prepare. You may also need to educate other stakeholders in your organization about why this is a priority.
  8. Plan for Long-Term Data Protection: Remember that data encrypted today could be stored and decrypted in the future with a quantum computer. If you have data that needs to be secure for many years to come, you need to be thinking about quantum security now.
  9. Consult with Quantum Security Experts: Consider working with experts in quantum security to understand the potential impact on your business and plan your transition to quantum-safe systems.

What is crypto-agility and why is it important for quantum security?

Crypto-agility is the capacity of a system to switch out and upgrade its cryptographic algorithms, protocols, and keys quickly and efficiently. It's a concept that's critical in the field of cybersecurity, and it's becoming even more relevant as we approach the era of quantum computing. Here's why:

  1. Algorithmic Vulnerabilities: Algorithms that were once considered secure can become vulnerable over time. This can be due to advances in computational capabilities, new attack methods discovered by cybercriminals, or the development of quantum computers capable of breaking traditional cryptographic algorithms. When this happens, it's necessary to switch to more secure algorithms. Crypto-agility allows for this switch to happen smoothly.
  2. Advances in Cryptography: As cryptographic research advances, new and more secure algorithms and protocols are developed. Crypto-agility allows businesses to benefit from these advances by enabling the straightforward adoption of these new technologies.
  3. Regulatory Compliance: Crypto-agility is also important for regulatory compliance. As security standards evolve, businesses may need to update their cryptographic systems to stay compliant. Crypto-agility allows for these updates to happen without major disruption to the business.
  4. Quantum Threat: With the anticipated advent of quantum computers, many current cryptographic algorithms, especially those based on factoring large numbers and the discrete logarithm problem, could become insecure. Crypto-agility is crucial for the transition towards post-quantum cryptography because it allows organizations to replace their current cryptographic systems with quantum-resistant ones as they become standardized and available.